Late again! Really late this time! Its ok though - I've figured out a way to keep everything organized, and I'm going to talk about that in this blog. However, I first wanted to talk about a chart that was posted at the beginning of module 5.
The chart is surprisingly similar to my own learning style, which surprises me because I always thought of myself having a unique learning style. The method with the highest retention rate is teaching others or immediate use of the learning. This is definitely how I am, and I would assume it is how most people learn best. Next is practice by doing, which I think partially overlaps with the top one. When your teaching others or using it you're obviously practicing by doing.
The next one is the one that surprises me most - discussion group. I've never learned well in discussion groups, and I'm honestly surprised many people have. Most of the time discussion groups (college anyway) end up being these contrived affairs used in order to get a grade. I don't learn well that way. The next one, demonstration, is also one I learn well by but only if the demonstrations are short; otherwise it loses my attention. I would switch audio/visual and reading under my own personal learning style - however, I don't learn well by either. Finally, lectures, I probably retain the least as the chart indicates for most people. I try my hardest to pay attention but I usually end up losing focus.
Now, as for the way I'm planning on keeping track of my assignments. The problem I had with the current way assignments were posted was there were overlapping due dates between the modules. This required a lot of back and forward in the browser in order to find out what assignments were due. What I've done is created an excel table that will keep track of all my assignments. I can assort them by date or module. I've used conditional formatting to highlight the assignment in yellow if its due within 5 days, or in red if its overdue. This should make keeping track of this stuff easier for me